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An interdisciplinary Graduate Certificate in Bioimaging & Biophotonics to strengthen research and doctoral training

The goal of this DSU HBCU-RISE is to establish an interdisciplinary Graduate Certificate Program in Bioimaging and Biophotonics.  The unifying research focus for the project is the integration of bioimaging and biophotonics in research projects led by doctoral students. Faculty research capacity is enhanced by funding doctoral students and supporting students’ interdisciplinary training in neuroscience and optics. The vision of this project is to increase the number of underrepresented scientists in the interdisciplinary field of bioimaging and biophotonics.

Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (FAIN 2023004;) this project combines modern optical imaging with their potential applications in molecular and cellular systems. It is expected to catalyze and advance Delaware State University’s cutting-edge, interdisciplinary research in biology and optical science, boost faculty research productivity and external grant support, increase the number of STEM doctoral graduates from DSU, and develop an innovative approach that can serve as a model to recruit, train and graduate diverse PhD students with in-demand technical skills.


DSU applicants are expected to be already enrolled in a PhD degree program and meet the fol-lowing minimum criteria: 

  • Full-time PhD candidate in neuroscience or optics at DSU
  • US citizen or permanent resident 
  • Commitment to complete the Certificate program in Biophotonics and Bioimaging.


The objectives of this program are: 

  • To advance interdisciplinary research and enhance faculty productivity,
  • To provide four graduate fellowships per year for doctoral students who will be mentored by an interdisciplinary team from life sciences/physics/optics or computational sciences, 
  • To establish a doctoral-level certificate program, and 
  • To revise a course in Biophotonics which will be offered to participating students and oth-er DSU students.
  • To facilitate and support access to the OSCAR Imaging Facility for training in imaging and conducting research.