Kent County Master Gardener Workshops
The registration deadline for all workshops is 24 hours prior to the workshop.
Winter 2024 Master Gardener Workshops
Love Your Soil
Thursday, January 30, 2025 1:00 – 2:30 PM EST FREE – Hybrid ZOOM/In-person- UD Paradee Center- 69 Transportation Circle Dover, DE 19901
Debbie Nicol, Kent County Master Gardener
Healthy soil is essential for healthy plants. Do you know what’s in your soil? We will talk about soil composition and texture, nutrients, soil pH, organic matter, and microorganisms living in your soil. We will discuss soil testing, learn to interpret the soil test report and find out how to use this information to improve the health of your soil. Finally, we will review things you can do to protect this precious resource.
Delaware Gardening Past and Present
Monday, February 17, 2025 10:00 – 11:30 AM EST FREE - Hybrid ZOOM/In-person -UD Paradee Center- 69 Transportation Circle Dover, DE 19901
Karen Abate, Kent County Master Gardener
Discover the garden in a new light with the Master Gardeners of Kent County. This event will showcase Delaware’s rich history through its gardens, agriculture, and horticulture. The presenter will delve into centuries of Delaware’s history, exploring the land’s use for cultivating food, financial gain, and displaying wealth. Gardens reflect the individual creator and provide a snapshot of historical events and culture.
Click Here to Register for Winter Workshops
Spring 2025 master gardener workshops
Growing Flowers and Vegetables from Seeds: A Beginner’s Journey
Monday, March 10, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM - Hybrid ZOOM/In-person -UD Paradee Center 69 Transportation Circle Dover, DE 19901 FREE
Tobi Hope-O’Brien, Kent County Master Gardener
This workshop is an introduction to growing flowers and vegetables from seeds. It will include examples of planting containers, a recipe for a planting medium, and examples of various commercial seed planning options. A resource for free seeds and a seed planting demonstration will be included.
Plant Sale Preview 2025
Wednesday, April 2, 1:00 – 2:00 PM- Hybrid ZOOM/In-person UD Paradee Center 69 Transportation Circle Dover, DE 19901 FREE
Karla Boulter, Kent County Master Gardener
As we gear up for our annual Master Gardener Scholarship Plant Sale, we offer you this opportunity to discover many of the plants we will have for sale. Explore a selection of herbs, as well as native perennials and shrubs. Before you purchase, find out how large your selected plants can get, how, when, and where to plant them, and what their sun, water, and soil requirements are.
The online plant sale will be open from April 22 at 10 AM through April 27 at midnight. (For an invitation to the online sale, please send an email request to KCMG [at]
Lose the Lawn
Wednesday, April 23, 10:00 – 11:00 AM- Hybrid ZOOM/In-person UD Paradee Center 69 Transportation Circle Dover, DE 19901 FREE
Kathy Doyle Kent County Master Gardener
Our obsession with large, green lawns is harming the health of watersheds, soil, insects, birds, and us. This workshop will provide some history, science and a vision for how we might transform our landscapes by replacing turf with native plants.
Compact Cultivation: Innovative Methods for Small Space Gardening
Saturday, May 31, 2025, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM -DSU Community Garden Behind Roe Hall -217 Cecil Street Dover, DE 19904 FREE
Janis Gaddis, Valerie Gard, Valarie Long, Debbie Nicol Kent County Master Gardeners with Megan Pleasanton DSU Extension Educator
Come join us for this live demonstration covering four different ways to create a unique garden in a small space. Participants will rotate through examples of lasagna gardening, vertical gardening, square foot gardening, and container gardening to learn how the Master Gardeners do it.
Click here to register for Spring 2025 Workshops