
Research in the College of Agriculture, Science and Technology (CAST) at Delaware State University encompasses the breadth of agriculture, natural resources, natural sciences, human ecology and technology. The college is endowed with highly trained research faculty, of which more than 98% hold terminal degrees in their respective disciplines. CAST collaborates with both the public and private sectors, and with foundations in research partnerships that transcend the capability of any single academic institution.
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CAST Faculty and their Research
CAST faculty engage in an array of research that represents the breadth of faculty knowledge, resources and facilities located within the college.
The Claude E. Phillips Herbarium, which is also housed in the college, is a revered resource for taxonomic classification of plant species, collection of rare and endangered species, and preservation and long term storage of plant species. It is one of the best herbaria in the United States and the largest at an HBCU.
Research Focus Areas
Research projects in the College of Agriculture, Science and Technology can be categorized into the following areas:
- Agricultural Research
- Aquaculture Research and Demonstration
- Biomedical Research
- Computational Intelligence and Applications in Mathematics
- Food, Nutrition and Dietetic Research
- Natural Resources Research
- Material Science and Renewable Energy
- Optical Science Center for Applied Research (OSCAR)
- Textile and Fashion Merchandising Research