Coordinated Program in Dietetics
The Department of Human Ecology offers a master’s degree in Nutritional Sciences with a Coordinated Program in Dietetics concentration. This program combines academic and supervised practice to qualify students to sit for the national Registration Examination for Dietitians after they graduate. For further detail on becoming a registered dietitian nutritionist, please refer to the Student Handbook: pgs. 3-4 (see sidebar).
For students enrolled in the BS/MS degree option in Food and Nutrition Science at Delaware State University, application for admission to the Coordinated Program in Dietetics should be made during the second semester of the student’s junior year. All other students should apply in their senior year and must provide a current transcript with their application and a final transcript after graduation showing the completion of a bachelor’s degree and all course prerequisites. Graduates with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in any field can apply for admission as long as they meet the admission requirements.
The application deadline for the fall semester is April 15 and for the spring semester November 15. Spring applications are rare, requiring the transfer of graduate credits be able to complete the program within two years. All prerequisite courses have to be completed with the required grades prior to the student’s start in the MS in Nutritional Sciences.
The Coordinated Program in Dietetics is a full-time program that admits up to six students annually. Students complete 38 credits, consisting of 28 credits of didactic courses and 10 credits of supervised practice. Courses are taught using hybrid and in-class instruction, including experiential learning in simulation, nutrition assessment, and culinary medicine.
The supervised practice component of the program, requiring a minimum of 1005 hours, allows students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in their course work and simulations and labs in a variety of clinical, community nutrition, and food service management settings to achieve entry-level competency of the registered dietitian nutritionists. With the exception of the enrichment rotation, the program coordinates student-supervised practice experiences. Our program demonstrates a strong commitment to individualized mentoring to ensure the success of our students.
The Commission on Dietetic Registration provides information on registration eligibility, career opportunities, and the registration examination. Please visit its website at: https://www.cdrnet.org/certifications/registered-dietitian-rd-certification. Delaware requires that dietitians are licensed: https://dpr.delaware.gov/boards/dietitians/newlicense/. Licensure information for other states can be found on the CDR website: https://www.cdrnet.org/state-licensure.
Delaware State University’s Coordinated Program in Dietetics is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: http://www.eatrightpro.org/ACEND.
Contact Information for ACEND
120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2190
Chicago, IL 60606-6995
Phone: (800) 877-1600, extension 5400
E-Mail: ACEND [at] eatright.org
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the program director Dr. Bettina Taylor at bctaylor [at] desu.edu, or call (302) 857-6865.