How Can I Become a Master Gardener?
Become a Master Gardener
Applications for the 2025 Delaware Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Statewide Training Program will be available in February 2025. This program is open to residents living in New Castle, Kent, or Sussex counties. Training will be held twice weekly in the fall, beginning in September and continuing until November. Some training sessions will require travel to other Extension Offices within the three counties. To be added to a list of potential applicants, please reach out to your county coordinator. (Contact information is listed below.)
As a member of the 2025 Delaware Master Gardener training class, you are expected to:
Complete the course of study
Volunteer 40 hours by November 1, 2026
Gain an additional 5 hours of advanced training by November 1, 2026
Applications will be accepted until late May. The training fee, if you are accepted into the training class, is $175.00. Selected applicants will be notified by the County Coordinator and will be required to confirm their acceptance, pay the training fee, and successfully complete a background check sent by the University by a set date in June, to enroll in the training. Candidates who do not complete background checks will not be considered.
Applicants will be notified by mid-July (by telephone, if possible) whether they will be seated for the class of 2025. All applicants are encouraged to attend a meet and greet event which will be offered in early June 2025. Additional details will be provided to the applicants at the end of May. If you are unable to attend this orientation event, please notify your County Coordinator.
Kent County: Megan Pleasanton, DSU mpleasanton [at], 302.242.5692
Kent County Application
New Castle County: Carrie Murphy, UD cjmurphy [at], 302.832.1425
New Castle County Application Link
Sussex County: Tracy Wootten, UD wootten [at], 302.236.0298
Sussex County Application