Home > 2nd Conf on Preparing Winning Grants_Abstract Guidelines

2nd Conf on Preparing Winning Grants_Abstract Guidelines

May 10-11, 2018
9AM - 5PM; 9AM - 2:30PM
Dover Downs Hotel and Casino
1131 N Dupont Hwy, Dover, DE 19901

 Abstract Guidelines and Criteria

  1. Abstracts must be well written and easy to understand. Content: Title, authors’ names and affiliations, e-mail address of the primary presenter.
  2. Abstracts for oral presentations accepted by invitation only. 
  3. Abstracts should briefly describe the work to be discussed in your poster and also give a concise summary of the findings–specifically, the issue the study addresses (e.g., objective, hypothesis, discovery or central question) should be clearly stated. Methods must be included briefly. Data/research or program findings must support the stated conclusion(s).
  4. Abstracts should not include diagrams; references are not required in the abstracts.
  5. Abstracts should contain a maximum of five (5) keywords placed at the end of the abstracts.
  6. The funding acknowledgment should follow the keywords (i.e. USDA-NIFA CBG Grant 2016-DELX12345).
  7. Author is responsible for getting approval of all co-authors before placing their names on an abstract.
  8. Only one abstract submission per person as the primary poster presenter, but the person can be a co-author on multiple posters.
  9. Abstracts should be no longer than 350 words, excluding the abstract title, author and co-authors’ names and their affiliations, the e-mail address of the primary author and the funding acknowledgment.
  10. All abstracts should be submitted as Microsoft Word documents.

Register for this conference and Submit Abstracts by April 29, 2018.

For more information, contact: gozbay [at] desu.edu (subject: 2nd%20Conf.%20on%20Preparing%20Winning%20Grants) (Dr. Gulnihal Ozbay): 302.857.6476

This conference is organized jointly by: