2nd Conf on Preparing Winning Grants_Abstract Guidelines
May 10-11, 2018
9AM - 5PM; 9AM - 2:30PM
Dover Downs Hotel and Casino
1131 N Dupont Hwy, Dover, DE 19901
Abstract Guidelines and Criteria
- Abstracts must be well written and easy to understand. Content: Title, authors’ names and affiliations, e-mail address of the primary presenter.
- Abstracts for oral presentations accepted by invitation only.
- Abstracts should briefly describe the work to be discussed in your poster and also give a concise summary of the findings–specifically, the issue the study addresses (e.g., objective, hypothesis, discovery or central question) should be clearly stated. Methods must be included briefly. Data/research or program findings must support the stated conclusion(s).
- Abstracts should not include diagrams; references are not required in the abstracts.
- Abstracts should contain a maximum of five (5) keywords placed at the end of the abstracts.
- The funding acknowledgment should follow the keywords (i.e. USDA-NIFA CBG Grant 2016-DELX12345).
- Author is responsible for getting approval of all co-authors before placing their names on an abstract.
- Only one abstract submission per person as the primary poster presenter, but the person can be a co-author on multiple posters.
- Abstracts should be no longer than 350 words, excluding the abstract title, author and co-authors’ names and their affiliations, the e-mail address of the primary author and the funding acknowledgment.
- All abstracts should be submitted as Microsoft Word documents.
Register for this conference and Submit Abstracts by April 29, 2018.
For more information, contact: gozbay [at] desu.edu (subject: 2nd%20Conf.%20on%20Preparing%20Winning%20Grants) (Dr. Gulnihal Ozbay): 302.857.6476
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